The Icosahedron
The surface of an Icosahedron consists of twenty equilateral triangles and is therefore one of the five Platonic solids.
The following elements of a Icosahedron are calculated if one of them is given:
- Edge a
- Apothem h1
- Altitude h2
- Circumradius ru
- Inradius ri
- Volume V
- Surface S

Given: ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Circumradius rc = 1 Results: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Edge a = 1,0514622 Apothem h1 = 0,910593 Altitude h2 = 2 Inradius ri = 0,79465447 Volume V = 2,5361507 Surface S = 9,5745414
See also:
Graphics 3DWikipedia: Platonic solid